Our perspective on living well in Singapore

Our perspective on living well in Singapore

We're Claire & Bruno
This is
Our platform for sharing our passion, perspectives, and purpose.
· Food · Fitness · Urban Farming ·
· Felines · Law · Writing ·
Eat out by eating in. We are a home diner that provides a curated homestyle dining experience.
We hope to know our guests and tell stories behind the food we serve. The act of private dining is an increasingly popular way to eat out, experience a new form of gathering, and for celebrations.
Homely, curated, and delicious. We use quality ingredients and source for local produce as far as we can.
Elevated home-cooking with Honestspaces.
At your own pace, fuss-free, and rewarding. We learn and share the best practices in home gardening.
Learn to beautify your home and farm your own produce with Honestspaces.
Grow your own herbs, harvest garden vegetables, and even make your own compost. Green thumbs can be cultivated. Really.
We learn best practices from others, and share our experiences as HDB gardeners. Our produce are all organically grown, and goes into our private dining menu whenever possible.
Health is wealth. We hear it, but we don't always heed it. Join us in our journey towards comprehensive fitness.
We are concerned with cardiovascular health, mental health, strength, natural nutrition, weight management, and the ability to sustain a fitness routine. We share what works for us and what you can do in or around your apartment.
Exercise at your own pace, in your own place. You don't need a fancy gym membership, really.
From stair-climbing to home-based HIIT. Join us on our mission to achieve comprehensive fitness.
Even if you are not a cat lover, find out why cats are discriminated against by law.
Learn to appreciate different perspectives, and find out how you, or someone you know, can contribute to a just cause.
Cats. HDB prohibits the rearing of cats in HDB units, and this is written law (https://tinyurl.com/vxjhkzd). Unfortunate, but true.
We share the perspectives of happy and unhappy HDB home owners, cat advocates, animal activists, and those who support the rule. We ask: Do felines deserve the right to not be legislated against today?
At heart, we enjoy the written word. We write about matters close and dear to us. Everybody's perspective is unique, important, and valuable. We just thought to pen ours down like so.
At times, being opinionated belabours negative connotations. We think otherwise. Share like us, share with us
Share. Write. Don't shut kids up without reason. Don't shut adults up without justification.
Learn to speak, and share your point of view. Write. It's a good first step we hope to encourage. Wrong or right, we learn together.
At Honestspaces, 50% of every purchase made through our store goes towards a local charity or cause.
We publish the list of recipients monthly here.
We write about matters that that we care about.
These are our perspectives, and we want to know yours.
Get to know us